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An Inspired Christmas Message

Remember I am with you, not just when you are specifically listening to me in the groups but throughout the whole day. Think of the great ‘Within’ where we all truly live, the outside world of bodies is an illusion, a deception, it is not here where we join but the other side of the door called ‘Silence’. The gifts I want this Christmas are the remembered moments of silence where you realise our Oneness in the Inner Realm of Peace, our Father’s House. What arises from these moments are feelings of gratitude that radiate outwards to all the hearts that are open. My deep appreciation for you and all my brothers is my gift to you. Just as you send your Christmas cards remembering your family and friends far away and near, I send my thoughts remembering that each one extends the Love given by the Father of Love, the Inifinite Source that never changes. Listen for my thoughts, for they sparkle with the light of joy and know that each one you hear is shared a thousandfold. Each thought I have expresses all that God is, for His Thought is mine and I have no others. You too will give as I give and experience the bliss of endless giving. For now, the remembered moments of silence are your greatest gift to me, so be still right now, Christmas is here for I have been reborn within your hearts and where else would I live for this is truly Heaven.

Abundant good wishes for a wonderful Christmas to all Love Nick

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